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AfroLab 2023 International Symposium

Translation and Circulation

May 11th-12th

Revised Timetable

March 15th, 2023: deadline for abstract proposal presentation, via online form at 


March, 31th, 2023: notification of acceptance/refusal by the colloquium organisation team.

May 11th-12th , 2023: symposium dates.


Confirmed Guest Speakers

Gisèle Sapiro (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales)

Daniel Hanh (Translater Portuguese-English)

Michael Kegler (Translater Portuguese-German)
Vincenzo Barca (Translater Portuguese-Italian)

Call for Contributions

The research project AfroLab – Building African Literatures. Institutions and consecrations inside and outside the Portuguese-language space 1960-2020 (PTDC/LLT-OUT/6210/2020) invites communication proposals for the AfroLab 2023 International Symposium “Translation and Circulation” (May 11th-12th).

Following our 2022 Symposium (November 10th-11th), centred mostly on the idea of literary institutions when applied to African literatures in the Portuguese-speaking world, we now move on to focus specifically on the translation of these literatures outside the Lusosphere. The purpose of this encounter is to study phenomena about the circulation and the translation of these literatures.

Translation, as we see it, is a multifold phenomenon, which can be approached from a number of perspectives. Our theoretical background is supported by different inputs, such as the Cultural Turn of Translation Studies (Lefevere, 1992; Venuti, 1995 and 1998; Bassnett and Lefevere, 1990 among others), in a wider landscape of world-literary circulation (Casanova, 1999; Moretti 2000 and 2003; Warwick Research Collective 2015), with a stress on the role played by institutions in the international circulation of literatures (Helgesson and Vermeulen 2016) and on symbolic capital's accumulation by single literary works, authors or whole national/linguistic literary traditions (Bourdieu, 1992 and 2000; Heilbron, 2010; Sapiro 2014, 2015 and 2016).

Ongoing work in our project, following conclusion by Ducournau (2017) has already encompassed a study of the role of Portuguese institutions (such as publishers, but also governmental agencies) in the internationalisation of these literatures (partial results can be found in Bucaioni, 2020 and 2022, for example): we encourage the academic community to continue this productive dialogue on the international fame gained by African literatures in Portuguese, their place in the various target-systems, the inequality of treatment among different foreign literary traditions in relevant target languages and the marginality of Portuguese-language literary outputs on the world-stage.

While African literatures in Portuguese have been largely studied as an epistemological and didactic unit in the Portuguese and Brazilian academia, their circulation in translation has been left largely unstudied. Considering, on the one hand, the marginality of African literary production on the world-literary stage, and, on the other, the particular position occupied by the Portuguese language as a literary production language, we think that the study of the translation and circulation of these literary archives can produce a relevant reflection on a segment of the world-literary system, testing and challenging theoretical assumptions and formulations and contributing to a better understanding both of African literatures and Portuguese-language literatures' position on the world-literary stage.


Abstracts can be submitted in English and Portuguese.


Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

• theoretical reflections spurred by the corpus of Portuguese-language African literatures in translation, bearing in mind their positioning in the world-literary system;

• cultural, epistemological, social and political aspects or implications of translations or the translation process;

• the study and/or critical analysis of translations;

• the study of the role of the translation agents involved;

• reflections on the role of translations in the reception of these literatures; 

• contributions to a history of the translation of Portuguese-language African literatures.


The event will be carried out in person at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of Lisbon, even if we are prepared to include one or two panels that take place online, similarly to what happened with the AfroLab 2022 Symposium.




Bassnett, Susan and André Lefevere (orgs.). 1990. Translation, History and Culture. London: Pinter.

Bourdieu, Pierre. 1992. Les règles de l'art: genèse et structure du champ littéraire. Paris: Seuil.

Bourdieu, Pierre. 2000. Les structures sociales de l'économie. Paris: Seuil.

Bucaioni, Marco. 2020. Quem constrói o “cânone internacional” das Literaturas Africanas em português? Tradução, instituições e assimetrias Norte/Sul. Mulemba 12/22: 28-48.

Bucaioni, Marco. 2022. Verticalidade e horizontalidade entre centro(s) e periferia(s): as literaturas africanas de língua portuguesa em inglês, alemão e italiano. Études Romanes de Brno 43/2022/2: 11-45.

Ducournau, Claire. 2017. La Fabrique des classiques africains. Écrivains d’Afrique subsaharienne francophone (1960-2012). Paris: CNRS.

Heilbron, Johan. 2010. “Structure and Dynamics of the World System of Translation.” Paper presented at the UNESCO International Symposium Translation and Cultural Mediation. Paris, February 22–23, 2010.

Helgesson, Stefan and Pieter Vermeulen (orgs.). 2016. Institutions of World Literature: Writing, Translation, Markets. New York: Routledge.

Lefevere, André. 1992. Translation, Rewriting, and the Manipulation of Literary Fame. London/New York: Routledge.

Moretti, Franco. 2000. “Conjectures on World Literature”. New Left Review 1.

Moretti, Franco. 2003. “More conjectures”. New Left Review 20.

Sapiro, Gisèle. 2014. “Translation as a Weapon in the Struggle Against Cultural Hegemony in the Era of Globalization”. Bibliodiversity, Translation and Globalization. February, 2014: 31-40.

Sapiro, Gisèle. 2015. “Translation and Symbolic Capital in the Era of Globalization: French Literature in the United States”. Cultural Sociology, 2015, Vol. 9 (3). 320-346.

Sapiro, Gisèle. 2016. “How do literary texts cross borders (or not).” Journal of World Literature, vol. 1, n° 1, 2016.

Venuti, Lawrence. 1995. The Translator's Invisibility: A History of Translation. London/New York: Routledge.

Venuti, Lawrence. 1998. The Scandals of Translation. Towards an Ethics of Difference. London and New York: Routledge.

WreC. 2015. Combined and Uneven Development. Towards a New Theory of World-Literature. Liverpool: University Press.


The AFROLAB project team

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